XXXI Congresso de Catarata e Cirurgia Refrativa





Doctor of Medicine (MD), Master of Science (MSc) in Evidence-Based Healthcare from the University of Oxford, and PhD in Applied Physics to Sciences and Technologies from the University of Alicante. Specialized in Ophthalmology and Anterior Segment Surgery: Refractive Surgery, Presbyopia, Keratoconus, and Cataracts. Currently, he is the CEO of Qvision and Medical Director of Ophthalmology at Vithas Almería Hospital. He is also Patron of the Elena Barraquer Foundation, with whom he carries out two surgical expeditions per year to eradicate preventable blindness caused by cataracts. In addition, he is part of the elected Council of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS), Chair of the Research Committee of this Society, and a member of the Leadership and Innovation Committee. He has published the results of 79 research studies in internationally recognized journals and has contributed to the writing of books related to his specialty. Notably, his scientific contribution in the field of Multifocal Intraocular Lenses has been recognized as a world leader by the portal Moreover, he is part of the development team for the Standards of Measurement and Reporting results in studies with Intraocular Lenses, edited by the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery.


